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A glance at the ethos in Turkish baths of ancient Iran
Formerly, there were Turkish baths in every parts of Iran and people would go there for cleanliness at least once a week. There were not any specific Turkish baths for men or women, therefor, men had to use them before the sunrise to around 8:00 a. m and then they were used by women until […]
Maraghi Clan
In 17 villages of Alamut region, a clan is inhabited with lots of differences in terms of race and language to the others. Linguists consider their dialect is a branch of old Persian. One of their unique costumes is their intragroup marriages and the common traditions bind them to marry their clanmates. Maraghi people are […]
Tati Clan
Tati clan live in a different ethnic groups in who are inhabited in some parts of Alamut, Takistan and Buien-zahra. Linguists believe Tati dialect originated from Dagestan which is still spoken in some parts of Caspian sea. Tati people in Takistan and Buien-zahra are working in farms, specially vineyard. After harvesting grape from vineyard best […]
I liked visiting Qazvin and this place in particular is located in a very old and ancient part of the city. The place is charming. It was interesting to see how they have resolved water issues in old city. Smart solutions.
The lady working there was explaining everything. Though, i preferred to wander around with a guide. There is a market selling beautiful handicraft upstairs.